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Information Technology Leadership
(& Congenial Geek)


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Photograph of Paul L. Tomlinson (headshot)

Talent, refined by experience, represents genuine wisdom; applied wisdom is power.

I have successfully instilled a culture of ego-free, eager service in high-stress IT environments, cultivating transparency and fostering cooperation across departments and virtual boundaries throughout companies and their interests.

I have led the charge, serving my employees and generating loyalty and camaraderie which persist to this day. I have crossed the chasm of painful growth from start-up to enterprise, set visions for now and for years to come, and balanced constraints and probabilities for realistic and meaningful achievements.

And I am at your service.

~ Paul L. Tomlinson


My greatest interest in the application of my professional skills is to achieve mutual benefit to all parties: to establish within business environments a comprehension of the best and most effective ways to ply information technology as a resource, and to establish within technology services a well-reasoned pragmatism and elegant level of craftsmanship in meeting the challenges driving business.

For specific details tailored to unique opportunities, or for any questions or clarifications, please contact me.

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